The Hand and the Glove... ramblings about making.

27.06.08 – Research funding

My first weekend at home for many weeks was blessed by terrible weather, cold, strong winds, grey skies and rain. My brother, sister-in-law and new nephew were over from Austria and though they had had a couple of pleasant days, the weather didn’t help in finding things to do with them on Saturday.
Back at College on Tuesday I met Martin to discuss the Innovation Fellowship application. It originally had to be in by Wednesday, but the deadline was extended during the day to Thursday. In one respect I was disappointed as I thought it might reduce my chances, but it meant that I had a bit longer to complete it.
Wednesday was a hectic day, attending the 3D technologies discussion day at the University of the West of England. I gave a short presentation at the end of the day, which attracted some attention, particularly from David Huson, a researcher from Bristol who is specialising in the 3D printing of ceramic materials. At some point in the near future we plan to discuss our projects.
The remainder of the week was focused on the application, Thursday passed in a blur and when Friday came I ran through my application, got some pieces ready for the interview and waited to be called. Eventually the phone rang and down I went to InnovationRCA. Geoff Hollington who I’d met at MaDE was the first of the panel to greet me. From my perspective the interview went well, I think I enthusiastically communicated the important points. Sat writing this on the train north I’m waiting to hear their decision. I’m really not sure of what chance I have, there could be some bright spark who has discovered some whizzy new material, all I can do is wait. It would put my mind at rest to get the Fellowship as I have been promised funds from the French company in order to develop a UK branch of the business. Together I should have a financially secure year ahead, with a very good chance of developing some interesting projects. If I don’t get the fellowship, then it’s back to looking for sponsorship.