Sitting here on the Friday evening train the week feels like it caught up with me. It’s been a busy one, as I expected it would be, balancing the thesis with events following the Wedgwoodn’t Tureen project.
Arriving at College on Tuesday I quickly got ready for the World of Interiors journalist and photographer who spent most of the afternoon with me. I learned a lot from the photographer, the use of natural light and the way that I was positioned to create an image that would fill a double spread or a single page. He used film, as Rupert the editor prefers the quality to digital. I’m looking forward to seeing the article, which will be in the June issue.
Wednesday afternoon was scheduled for a tutorial with Martin to discuss the Evaluation section of the thesis. Interestingly, he looked up the word ‘thesis’ and found that the definition includes the practical work as it is also used to advance the argument. So what I’ve been calling the thesis is actually the written report. I have a number of points to amend and some additions to make. There isn’t much time left to fit everything in place so I don’t fancy the idea of starting a whole new lot of reading.
In the evening I went over to Brick Lane to see the fashion show that Grace had arranged for the Middlesex first year students. Understandably she was very nervous, but everything ran smoothly. I enjoyed meeting her friend Coco, she’s a lovely girl and they are obviously good friends.
On Thursday morning I took the Wedgwoodn’t piece over to MaDE, the `Material and Design Exchange to talk to the mentors about applying for a SPARK award. It was a very worthwhile meeting, with lots of enthusiasm for the project and plenty of good advice. I need to keep that project moving along, but must give the MPhil priority at the moment.
The rest of Thursday and Friday were spent making alterations to the Evaluation section and writing the Conclusion section of the written report.
The weekend is likely to be filled with writing, but hopefully there’ll be time to get out into the fields and woods with Vicky and Blue.
Arriving at College on Tuesday I quickly got ready for the World of Interiors journalist and photographer who spent most of the afternoon with me. I learned a lot from the photographer, the use of natural light and the way that I was positioned to create an image that would fill a double spread or a single page. He used film, as Rupert the editor prefers the quality to digital. I’m looking forward to seeing the article, which will be in the June issue.
Wednesday afternoon was scheduled for a tutorial with Martin to discuss the Evaluation section of the thesis. Interestingly, he looked up the word ‘thesis’ and found that the definition includes the practical work as it is also used to advance the argument. So what I’ve been calling the thesis is actually the written report. I have a number of points to amend and some additions to make. There isn’t much time left to fit everything in place so I don’t fancy the idea of starting a whole new lot of reading.
In the evening I went over to Brick Lane to see the fashion show that Grace had arranged for the Middlesex first year students. Understandably she was very nervous, but everything ran smoothly. I enjoyed meeting her friend Coco, she’s a lovely girl and they are obviously good friends.
On Thursday morning I took the Wedgwoodn’t piece over to MaDE, the `Material and Design Exchange to talk to the mentors about applying for a SPARK award. It was a very worthwhile meeting, with lots of enthusiasm for the project and plenty of good advice. I need to keep that project moving along, but must give the MPhil priority at the moment.
The rest of Thursday and Friday were spent making alterations to the Evaluation section and writing the Conclusion section of the written report.
The weekend is likely to be filled with writing, but hopefully there’ll be time to get out into the fields and woods with Vicky and Blue.