The Hand and the Glove... ramblings about making.

04.04.08 – Evaluation

The first part of the Easter break was spent at my brother’s in Austria. Vicky and I went out for a few days to meet our new nephew Luke, who is my brother & sister-in-law’s first child. Chris is like a dog with two tails!
After what we thought was going to be a brief trip back to winter, our landing at Stanstead was delayed by snow. The rest of Easter was cold, but I did manage to get out for some good walks with Vicky and Blue.

Apart from settling back in Cumbrian life, I spent many long days writing up the Evaluation section of the thesis. It’s a demanding section, pulling together themes explored during the project and relating them to other peoples work. A lot of time was spent thinking and writing about how I allow for subjectivity in the evaluation of this project. I had originally planned to have an evaluation and a conclusion but they seem to have morphed into one. I emailed my efforts to Martin and Alison, so I’ll see what they say.

In addition to all this, I'm looking for generative software to use on the Wedgwood project (if it goes ahead). Sometimes called algorithmic geometry software it can be used to generate 'natural' forms such as bone structure or plant growth. If anyone out there can point me in the direction of Rhino compatible software I'd be very grateful.

Next week is going to be a busy one, with World of Interiors interview as soon as I get in on Tuesday, tutorial on Wednesday afternoon, Grace’s fashion show at Brick Lane in the evening. Thursday morning I have a meeting to discuss applying for a SMART award towards next year’s research fellowship.